Billy thank you so much. that was the most elequent way of explaining the whole scnerio and didn't offend anyone, because as you say.. its just facts.
I hope Robert can understand thru your illustration.
updated 3:34 p.m. et aug. 6, 2008new york - if the trends of the past three decades continue, itas possible that every american adult could be overweight 40 years from now, a government-funded study projects.
the figure might sound alarming, or impossible, but researchers say that even if the actual rate never reaches the 100-percent mark, any upward movement is worrying; two-thirds of the population is already overweight.
agenetically and physiologically, it should be impossiblea for all u.s. adults to become overweight, said dr. lan liang of the federal governmentas agency for healthcare research and quality, one of the researchers on the study.
Billy thank you so much. that was the most elequent way of explaining the whole scnerio and didn't offend anyone, because as you say.. its just facts.
I hope Robert can understand thru your illustration.
from age ten until today.
he was my friend; we used to play.
no im not really okay.
so sorry for your loss. the story reminded me of Chris Farley... someone fun, full of life and letting everyone else around them feel it too.
im so happy ive got to tell someone!
at the beginning of the year i made the final mental decision to leave the truth and fade.
i havent been out in service or to a meeting in a long time.
CONGRATS! that's awesome!
what a waste of living being "in the truth" was!
sometimes i see persons suggesting that the witness religion isn't all so wrong.
actually they suggest that they themselves are the issue.
talk about 2 contrasting views!
I have to say i'm somewhere in the middle. It's amazing to realize its all just a lie. not that 'at least you're going to church of some sort and worshipping god"... NO. its the MATRIX and you had been taking the green pill....Its all a hoax, lie, wizard of oz... however you wanna put it...
But, it kept me from sleeping around (was that a good thing>?), trying drugs (again, good?>??) kept me out of college (???)...
ok... nevermind.. i thought i had some positives. OK > i got one..
I worked in Mulitlevel Marketing for a few years and excelled at it. was at the top, had all the free trips, did tons of trade shows etc. and i did so well cuz i learned all the in's and out's from the WT organization....WOOHOO!
i will not provide links but i love death videos....just google death videos...they are aplenty...i believe they are my final exit in some way...many have died and i will also but they have already died and i am alive....don't bother i know i am sick............
ok, because i'm not a JW anymore, i'm openminded... so i googled it.
Its disturbing. i could feel my heart racing and became highly uncomfortable. I dont understand the supposed "obsession".
I also took care of my father while he died, watched it. I agree, it made me question things with the witnesses. made me filled with so many questions. when you watch someone die, there is this point of ... there actually seems to be no EXACT point of death.. WHO is to tell me when his brain cant process? when his ears cant hear? when he can no longer feel? its amazing to watch.. like you said.. peaceful to a point... when its traumatic beforehand. Left me feeling like our answer on "death" wasn't right. I have NO idea what might be correct, but i didn't believe the JW answer anymore.
check this out.
this is what we're up against.
wow. that is scarey. arent you SAD to say you were once in that mindset? whew!!!!!
Makes me want to protest.... but you're right, her being a flagrant idot is proof enough.... it's all "OUTRIGHT LIES" ... yes, of course. amazing . books and books and books and books and books of lies. Amazing how they all have proof, espically COC. the "LIE of ALL LIES" i suppose.
MAYBE the "TRUTH" is a lie..... just suppose.....
when i turn on the tv, i see so many fem men that i'm realizing that a 'manly" man seems to be a relic of the past.. metrosexuals rule the world now.supersensitive males who are in touch with their feminine side are the norm.. the john waynes & burt reynolds have been replaced with ryan seacrest lookalikes.. ladies, do you find these metrosexuals all that attractive?
Have you seen the Big Bang Theory TV show? It's hysterical. The 3 guys personify nerds. Being a nerd is in this century.I love this show, did they take it off the air or move it to another time slot? Big Bang followed by Two and a Half Men, my fav TV time.
We adore this show... it's still on and we noticed it WAS picked up for another season... EVERYONE check it out! you dont want it to be lost out! BUT, in keeping with topic, YES, the guy on the show is GREAT at being "affemenant" ok, i have NO idea how to spell it, but i believe that's what he is.. NOT metro, NOT gay, just...whatever that word is i cant spell, and does it perfectly. Now, i would be friends with him, cuz he's just awesome.
(the email basically states that the congregation will not receive a disasociation letter or a verbal dissociation because there is no biblical precedence for it.
i also attached a pdf regarding the 'truth' and told them they won't read it because they have no freedom to think anymore.
also told them to kiss my mexican ass.).
WHY didn't i ever learn spanish!!!????????
You know, i was going to do it. I was gonna be bold and post a pic,.. and i cant get it to work! that will show me!!
when i turn on the tv, i see so many fem men that i'm realizing that a 'manly" man seems to be a relic of the past.. metrosexuals rule the world now.supersensitive males who are in touch with their feminine side are the norm.. the john waynes & burt reynolds have been replaced with ryan seacrest lookalikes.. ladies, do you find these metrosexuals all that attractive?
Sorry sweetstuff...
I crack jokes and puke at movies like "PS i love you"... YUCK! and if i had a man that cried at that? i couldn't respect him.
TITANIC SUCKED! "oh i love you forever and would die for you, and i met you an hour ago" PLEASE!
You havn't talked about what they want WOMEN to be like! God forbid you not want to just sit and CRY at these movies.... instead if you have an understanding of how OBSURD these stories are... then what are you? Give me a manly man any day!